
Showing posts from July, 2018

How to Recover From PC Crash Caused by AVG?

There is no doubt in the fact that AVG Free is a good antivirus program to protect your device from malware and malicious sites. But at times its users complain that this antivirus program is causing a system crash. When such a thing happens with you, you should either connect with experts on AVG Helpline Number UK or try the given method to recover from the crash. You can use a newly created AVG Rescue CD to boot the crash computer. Once you have launched this CD, you need to open Utilities and then go to File Manager. Using the File Manager, navigate to affected hard driver which is usually “/mnt/sda1/”. Then go to “C:\Program Files\grisoft\.” And navigate to AVG folder. Rename this AVG folder and close File Manager. Now after removing AVG Rescue CD reboot your system normally. Then lastly, you can reinstall AVG and update it to a version which won’t cause the crash. The above guidelines are only for AVG users, if you are a Mac user and facing the same issue then dia